Orchid Growing Tips – Anybody Can Do

Orchid Growing Tips – Anybody Can Do

Growing indoor orchids is such a fulfilling activity for everybody that is why using some of the most effective orchid growing tips can make this activity even more enjoyable and easier to do even for beginners like you. When these plants are taken care of and maintained well, you can expect a lot of vibrant-looking blooms in less time.

These orchid growing tips can be of little use if you’re not able to follow them diligently. It is important that you give so much emphasis on every little detail about these exotic plants to produce more blooming flowers inside your home from time to time. It is best to know the specific type of orchids you want to grow because one type requires a different degree of care from other orchid species. Take a look at some important details on growing indoor orchids.

Appropriate Potting Materials

Looking for the best potting materials is one of the most basic orchids growing tips that you should forget about. These plants cannot grow well in regular garden soil because of their delicate roots. It is best to choose an appropriate potting medium for your orchids and these can be barks, fine stones, and other mixtures.


Your orchids need adequate lighting sources in order to grow healthy. As one of the most required orchids growing tips you need to place your orchids in the east wing of the house exposing the plant to the natural source of light. But do not expose them too much to the sun’s direct heat or else they can wither anytime. Overexposure caused discoloration of leaves and dull-looking flowers. In case your plants are located in dark areas, you may also use fluorescent lighting projecting like their natural habitat.


Water is really important for orchid’s growth but too much of it may result to root decay. You cannot water them at any time you want because retaining too much water on their roots will ultimately lead to root rot. You can do it once a week only. Make sure you break through at least one inch or more in pot depth. Root plays a very significant role in orchid’s life. Anyway, watering them once a week is enough for cultivators. If you’re located in a dry location, you may water them every four to five days.


You can feed orchids with fertilizers to provide them with optimal growth. It can provide them with balanced nutrients essential for orchids’ growth. Orchids absorbing these fertilizers will be healthier and have a higher possibility of surviving in their entire life. To rooting a phal or cattleyas, fertilizers are essential to assist them to develop roots. If it’s too little, it’s a waste to continue to nurture the plant. Orchids Repotting can also be conducted once every two years making sure that you keep your orchids under a good condition of the PH in the soil.


Another essential orchid growing tip is to provide the right amount of water. Orchids can stand a certain amount of moisture in the air but too much can lead to root rot. This will be remedied with just the right amount of water. If you are planting the orchid of Sharon, ensure that the location is well-drained and humid.

The best way to water your orchids is to create an area where the water is drained within six to eight inches. Note that the soil you are using should have excellent drainage capabilities. No matter how attractive an orchid appears, if its roots are water-logged, it would have a rotten root. This wouldn’t necessarily mean that the plant is rotten. Nevertheless, it is best to find ways to eliminate excess water.

Orchids Repotting

Orchids repotting is essential to its continual bloom. It is the practice of splitting your orchids into two or more pots. This is to allow the roots to better grow and attain its full potential growth. After repotting, water the plants thoroughly to allow the soil to be free from radiation and be able to absorb nutrients from it.

These pesky plants will surely require your attention if you wish to have a flourishing and beautiful garden for them. So, keep in mind these essentials in repotting orchids and you’ll do just that!